We Need Numbers!
Email from Beryl Gordon to City Council
From: Beryl Golden <berylgolden@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 2:52 PM
Subject: April 7. 2020 Agenda Item D: Open Forum for Public Comment
To: <cityclerkdept@ci.richmond.ca.us>
To: The Mayor and The Richmond City Council:
Re: Potential Financial Risks of the SunCal Proposed Development at Point Molate
Richmond residents need a thorough analysis of the financial viability, or risks of the proposed SunCal development at Point Molate. So far all we have seen are slick, vague advertisements about its future financial benefits to our City. We need to see numbers.
The analysis must include:
1- The costs of new infrastructure, including the cost of building the proposed new sewer system and connecting it to the (already overburdened) sewage treatment plant, and,
2- Building, Equipping, and Full-Time Staffing, of the Police and Fire stations at the proposed SunCal Development. We, also, need to know how these costs will be covered and possible negative impacts on the City Budget.
We, especially you, our Council representatives, need to see the numbers.
If there is any possibility that the Development can have a negative impact on the Richmond General Fund the Council must inform us of that risk.
Please inform us as to when this, promised, financial report will be available to us. Ideally, it will be available 60 days before the Council votes on the project.
Thank you,
Beryl Golden
Richmond Resident