Take Action!
It’s not too late to stop the bad deal that the Southern California developer wants to sell the City of Richmond. Look at the facts, consider your pocketbook, join the Berkeley residents who oppose this scheme, and let City Council hear your voice!
The key points are:
- Postpone all decisions until the public can participate fully in the review and approval process
- Provide a full financial analysis of the project’s impact on the City’s budget with a strategy for protecting the City’s General Fund
- Reject the City’s latest Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) as inadequate and request a more complete analysis of known traffic, safety and environmental concerns. See Unanswered Questions No.s 6-16 here.
- Let the voters decide – place the Citizen Initiative on the November ballot – whether or not to restrict development to the Winehaven District and create a ridge-to-shoreline park in the southern portion of the property
To get your comments to City Council into the public record, email before 4pm to cityclerkdept@ci.richmond.ca.us or write by mail to Richmond City Council, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804
Email comments must contain in the subject line “Public comments – not on the agenda” or “Public comments with Agenda Item #”